Tomorrow: Riggin Widening Meeting at 6 p.m.

A community meeting on the next phase of the Riggin Widening and Improvement Project, between Mooney Boulevard and Conyer Street, will be held tomorrow, Thursday, January 30 from 6 to 7 p.m.
Open to the public, the meeting will be held at the Global Learning Charter School Multi-Purpose Room, 1051 W. Robin Dr.
“We invite the public to join us and learn more about this second phase of the Riggin Widening and Improvement Project,” shared Diego Corvera, Senior Civil Engineer, and Project Manager. “We’re excited to move into phase two of the work, which will increase vehicle capacity on Riggin Avenue between Mooney Boulevard and Conyer Street by adding additional east/west lanes to support this growing area of our city.”
Hosted by the City of Visalia, the meeting will include representatives from the contractor Cen-Cal Construction as City staff present the project scope and the phasing of the Riggin Avenue improvements.
The project, tentatively scheduled to begin the week of February 3rd , is the second phase of the City of Visalia’s work to widen Riggin Avenue and construction will take place from Mooney Boulevard to Conyer Street.
The improvements will widen the existing street to a four-lane divided roadway, providing bike lanes, a local frontage road, sidewalks, drainage improvements, new center medians, streetlights and street landscaping. Construction will continue until completion anticipated in July 2025.
“This is a federally funded project, and these improvements are consistent with the City of Visalia General Plan, the complete streets policy, and the goals of the City’s adopted Active Transportation Plan,” added Corvera.
For project specific questions, contact Diego Corvera, PE, Senior Civil Engineer, at (559) 713-4209 or
[email protected].