Visalia PD Celebrates Graduates and New Officers
The Visalia Police Department is growing!
2025 is kicking off to be a year of growth for the Visalia Police Department, as they celebrate recent police academy graduates, new officers and administrative staff.
On January 24 VPD hosted the Tulare-Kings Academy Class 160 graduation at Visalia's Neighborhood Church. In total, four officers graduated to the ranks of VPD.
“Remember why you chose this career and define yourself by what you stand for. You are for justice. You are for protecting the vulnerable. You are for upholding the principles of fairness, respect, and integrity. These aren’t just lofty ideals, they are the guiding lights of our profession," shared Visalia Police Chief Jason Salazar in his address to graduates.
The ceremony included a pinning of the new officers, with Officer Kathleen Pritchard, Officer Jonathan Vargas, Officer David Walstrom, and Officer Joseph Grant joining the VPD team.
On January 27, the VPD hosted a Badge Pinning and Swearing-In Ceremony inside the Visalia City Council Chambers.
Chief Salazar and City officials were joined by Academy Grad's Officers Grant, Pritchard, Vargas and Walstrom, as well as five Lateral Police Officers, two Community Service Officers, one Investigative Technician and two new Records Specialist.
In total, the ceremony featured the swearing in of 14 new employees:
- Lateral Police Officer Eddie Aceves
- Lateral Police Officer Edward Carrillo
- Lateral Police Officer Esmeralda Corona
- Lateral Police Officer Joseph Rodriguez
- Lateral Police Officer Jared Winter
- Officer Joseph Grant (COS Academy Grad)
- Officer Kathleen Pritchard (COS Academy Grad)
- Officer Jonathan Vargas (COS Academy Grad)
- Officer David Walstrom (COS Academy Grad)
- Community Service Officer Preston Regalado
- Community Service Officer Jeremie Aguilera
- Investigation Technician Janel Escobedo
- Records Specialist Britanie Arriola
- Records Specialist Samantha Falcon
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