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Applications Now Accepted for Water Advisory Committee


Can you be a part of helping preserve our most precious resource?

Residents, growers, and business owners are now invited to apply for the position of Advisory Committee member, representing the City of Visalia, for the Mid-Kaweah Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA).
Applications for the vacant, At-Large position are being accepted now by visiting Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 17, 2024.
Members of the Advisory Committee must reside within the jurisdictional boundaries of the GSA, or have a business located within the GSA’s boundaries. Committee members are appointed by the Board of Directors to a three-year term and must satisfy attendance requirements.

This community-based committee was established in 2015 and is appointed by the Board of Directors of the Mid-Kaweah GSA, a joint powers authority formed by the City of Visalia in partnership with the City of Tulare and Tulare Irrigation District. The Committee's role is to provide input on technical studies and to function as a stakeholder outreach forum to foster active public participation in the Mid-Kaweah GSA. 
All applications will be reviewed by the GSA Management Committee, previously submitted applications will also be reviewed, after which time recommendations for appointment will potentially be made.
For more information, visit or contact Michelle Nicholson, Chief Deputy City Clerk, City of Visalia, at [email protected] or (559) 713-4512.

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