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Visalia To Outline Redesign Process for City Logo


At the Monday, June 3 City Council meeting, the Visalia City Council recieved a presentation from City staff on the Brand Refresh process and the new City logo.

After receiving public comment and discussing next steps, the City Council chose options three and five from the Agenda item's staff report.

Those were:

3) Retain or modify the current logo to be used when the medium being utilized warrants it, and retain the previous logo as a Legacy Logo that would be utilized in situations where it can be appropriately displayed and its detail clearly denoted.

5) Open the brand refresh logo design process again and create a process wherein local artists/graphic designers can submit designs, (that align with the requirements of a scope of work/design), have those designs reviewed by a panel of local graphic and marketing professionals, with a selection of final logos presented to the community to be voted on via community meetings or digital voting methods. The Council could then consider the results and make a final selection.

With Council's direction City staff are now developing a process and timeline that will be presented to the City Council at the next City Council meeting on Monday, June 17.

Get Involved!

All Visalians interested in receiving notifications can email [email protected] to be placed on an email list that will send updates as they are available.

Next steps will be the City Council meeting on Monday, June 17, time the agenda item will be reviewed is to be determined. This meeting is completely open to the public, all those interested in providing in-person public comment are encouraged to attend.

Until the City Council directs staff on next steps, general comments about the Brand Refresh or logo process can be sent to [email protected].

Please note, we ask that all logo designs and artwork be retained until a submission period is confirmed and those details are released.

For questions or more information, contact Allison Mackey, Communications Manager, at [email protected]

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