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Help Guide Fair Housing, Homeless Outreach & More


The City of Visalia receives federal funds annually to invest in improving our community. Public feedback is an important part of this process and we’re seeking comments on the Proposed 2022 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)/HOME Action Plan estimated funding and activities identified in the 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan (ConPlan) priority needs.

The public comment period is from March 18, 2022 through April 18, 2022.

Based on the needs assessment, market analysis, and community outreach conducted in mid-2019, the City anticipates over the 2020-24 ConPlan, CDBG funds are estimated at $5.6 million including Program Income (PI).

"CDBG high priority activities including fair housing, homeless services, homeless prevention, code enforcement, mobile home accessibility repair, emergency minor home repair, ADA improvements, and development of a Navigation Center, shares Margie Perez, Housing Specialist. "HOME funds are estimated at $4.2 million including PI would generally be used for multifamily new construction, scattered site acquisition/rehab of existing rental and ownership properties, and tenant-based rental assistance."

“We’re asking the public to review the full draft 2022 Action Plan and 2021 Action Plan Amendment, including the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan, which are all available on our City website now," adds Perez. "We will receive comments now through April 18, 2022."

To review the 2022 Action Plan and 2021 Action Plan Amendement, visit our Finance Department's page here.

Members of the public are invited to attend a community meeting and/or a public hearing:

April 4th Publlic Hearing - Review Draft during the Visalia City Council meeting at 7 p.m., City Council Chambers, 707 W. Acequia Ave.
April 6th Community Meeting - Citizens Advisory Committee at 5:30 p.m., City of Visalia Administration Building located at 220 N. Santa Fe.
April 18th Public Hearing - Adoption during the Visalia City Council meeting at 7 p.m., City Council Chambers, 707 W. Acequia Ave.
For those unable to attend a public meeting, you may submit your comments in writing to Margie Perez, Housing Specialist at [email protected].

The public hearings will also be available for virtual live viewing at

In Compliance with the American Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in meetings please call (559) 713-4512 at-least 48-hours in advance of the meeting. For Hearing Impaired call (559) 713-4900 (TTY) at-least 48-hours in advance of the scheduled meeting time to request services.

For additional information on the public meetings, to provide comments or for questions, contact Margie Perez, Housing Specialist at (559) 713-4460 or [email protected]

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