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Measure N Street Maintenance Program


Made possible by Measure N and Landscaping & Lighting Districts, reclamite seal street maintenance is scheduled to begin Tuesday, March 29th and continue through Friday, May 20th in the southeast quadrant of Visalia.

Crews will be applying an asphalt rejuvenating agent commonly known as reclamite seal. Thanks to Visalia’s Measure N Voters and Landscaping & Lighting Districts, we are able to perform this necessary street maintenance. The work will improve the durability of the asphalt and delay the aging process, ultimately helping us get more life out of our roads.


Maintenance Work Details

Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc., is the contracted party to complete this project and they’ll have crews out between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.

Streets that receive treatment will not be open to parking and some minor traffic delays can be expected. Find a street map of roads that will receive treatment here.

To minimize any inconvenience from this street maintenance, residents in the project areas are advised to:

  • Keep pets and children off the street during application to prevent oil being tracked into the home. Check pet’s feet and shoes for residue after application to protect floors.
  • If you track residue into your driveway or garage, it can be washed off with dish soap and water, or it will wear off in two to six weeks.
  • Drive slowly (10 mph) to prevent pick up. Residue on vehicles can be removed by immediately washing with dish soap and water.


For More Info

For more information, contact Chantha Chap, City of Visalia Civil Engineer at (559) 713-4418 or at [email protected].

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