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Replacement of Documents/Records


Below is a checklist of documents you will need to replace if they have been destroyed, and who to contact for information on the replacement process.

 Driver's License, Auto Registration  Department of Motor Vehicles
 Bank Books (Checking/Savings)  Your Bank, As Soon As Possible
 Insurance Policies  Insurance Agent
 Military Discharge Papers  Department of Veterans Affairs
 Passport Passport Services
 Birth, Death & Marriage Certificates  Bureau of Records in the appropriate state circuit court where decree was issued
 Social Security or Medical Cards  Local Social Security Office
 Credit Cards

Issuing Companies, As Soon As Possible

 Titles to Deeds Records department of the locality which the property is located
 Stocks & Bonds  Issuing company or your Broker
 Wills Your Lawyer 
 Medical Records  Your Doctor
 Warranties Issuing Company 
 Income Tax Records  The IRS Center where filed or your Accountant
Citizenship Papers   U.S. Immigrations and Naturalization Service
Prepaid Burial Contract   Issuing Company
Animal Registration Papers   Humane Society
Mortgage Papers   Lending Institution


Emergency and Non Emergency Numbers

You should keep a list of emergency and non emergency phone numbers as well as insurance policy numbers. Click here for a printable list.         



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