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Insurance Info & Tools

This page provides important information to the citizens of Visalia on the new FEMA flood maps that became effective June 16, 2009.

Maps & Tools

The City of Visalia has prepared a number of useful maps and tools using our Geographic Information System (GIS) that are based on digital data provided by FEMA that show flood zone information on the new FEMA flood maps that became effective on June 16, 2009. Each are described and linked below.

Important Terminology

All zones that begin with the letter “A” are called a Special Flood Hazard Area and/or a High-Risk Flood Zone. These terms are interchangeable. This is important as you review the information on this web page and the FEMA web site.

ZONES A, AH, AE, AO – All zones beginning with “A” are determined by FEMA to be high-risk and flood insurance is normally required if a property is involved in any type of loan or credit line.

ZONES X, X500, X(0.2) – All zones beginning with “X” are determined by FEMA to be low or moderate risk and flood insurance is recommended but not required.

Please see the Flood Insurance Information section below for more information.

Flood Insurance Information

On January 1, 2013 FEMA revised the Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) program, indefinitely extending the PRP option to homes moved into a high risk flood zone on or after October 1, 2008. The PRP is a lower cost policy that in many cases is the lowest cost option for property owners recently moved into high risk flood zones by FEMA.

Ask your insurance agent if you qualify and make sure you have the policy that you need. You can get additional assistance from the City of Visalia flood map and insurance hotline by calling (559) 713-4640 or by emailing at [email protected]

For further questions on flood insurance, please contact the FEMA representative below. 



The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) Grandfathering Rule is very important to all properties moving into a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) high-risk flood zone.  Please read the FEMA fact sheet below. 


Below are the letters received from FEMA for the City of Visalia and Tulare County. The purpose of these letters is to provide Letter of Map Changes (LOMCs) that FEMA has revalidated and will
continue to be recognized with the updated flood maps that became effective on June 16, 2009.

The specific cases listed in these letters can be obtained from FEMA's website at the link below.

Letter of Map Changes (LOMCs)


Edie Lohmann
FEMA Region IX
Regional Flood Insurance Specialist
(510) 627-7235

Visit the FEMA web site for comprehensive information on flood maps and insurance. 


Copies of elevation certificates are on file at the City of Visalia for properties that are constructed within the high risk flood zone. In addition, copies are often submitted to the City of Visalia by surveyors and engineers after they have been contracted by a property owner to prepare an elevation certificate.

All certificate copies on file have been scanned and provided via the City of Visalia website and are updated monthly. If the City of Visalia does not have an elevation certificate on file the property owner may contract with a surveyor or engineer to have one prepared.

If any questions, or if you need additional information, please contact the City of Visalia FEMA Flood Map Information hotline at (559) 713-4640 or by email at [email protected]


As a requirement of FEMA’s Preferred Risk Policy (PRP) Extension program, the City of Visalia provides letters to owners and insurance agents for properties that meet all eligibility requirements of the FEMA Preferred Risk Policy Extension program. Copies of these letters are provided to the community from this website for expedient processing.
If a community letter is not found on this page for a property you own or are providing insurance for, please email your request to the City of Visalia Flood Insurance hotline at [email protected] or by calling (559) 713-4640. Your request will be reviewed for compliance with FEMA’s PRP extension program and if it qualifies, a letter will be issued.

In order to qualify for FEMA’s PRP Eligibility Extension program, a structure must have been moved into the high risk flood zone by FEMA on or after October 1, 2008. All properties moved into the high risk flood zone by FEMA on the updated Visalia maps dated June 16, 2009 would qualify for this program.

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