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Downtown Improvement Project Underway in Visalia


Improvements are underway now on Bridge Street and Santa Fe Street in downtown Visalia, as part of the Downtown Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Improvement Project.

The ADA Improvement Project is making improvements that include sidewalk and ramp replacements which will improve downtown routes for pedestrians and those in wheelchairs, walkers, and motorized scooters.

Work began in late February at the intersection of Main Street and Bridge Street. The City’s contractor crews will be replacing the intersection ramps and sidewalk sections between Main Street and Center Avenue on Bridge Street and Santa Fe Street.

“All roads will remain open throughout the duration of the project, as all work will be limited to the ramps and sidewalks, but pedestrian traffic will be impacted due to the closure of those sidewalks and ramps once construction begins,” provided Vikram Manke, Assistant Engineer, City of Visalia.

Travelers and those traversing through downtown can expect construction crews working from approximately 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, through early April.

“The ADA Improvement Project is being funded by a Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG),” added Manke. “Under this grant, the City of Visalia has been implementing several projects to address needs for infrastructure improvement, economic development, housing rehabilitation, and other public services.”

For more information on this project, contact Vikram Manke, City of Visalia Project Manager and Assistant Engineer, at 559-713-4491 or at [email protected]

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