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Need to Report Street Flooding?


The first storm of the year is here, and with it comes rainy, wet streets.

City streets are built for rain, but the subsidence of storm water can take three to four hours in some areas. It’s during this time that it’s important for motorists to drive carefully, increase the distance between them and the car ahead, and slow down.

Despite preparation, intense rain can take time to process into the system.

When To Report Flooding

If flooding remains 60 to 90 minutes after rain has stopped, or slowed, then that is the appropriate time for citizens to notify the Public Works Department by calling (559) 713-4428, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Outside of office hours and on the weekend, citizens can report flooding to the City of Visalia's non-emergency line at (559) 734-8117.

Blocked storm drains, trash left in the street, gutters that have not been cleaned of leaves and lawn trimmings can all contribute to water not flowing as it should.

Like a funnel, Visalia roadways are designed to hold rainwater to allow the City’s storm water system to catch up when rainfall comes in a short time frame.

Crews have been working for months to prepare for winter storms, but when rainfall is heavy, it takes time for the system to catch up and the water to subside out of our streets.

Quick Clean-Ups Make Big Impacts

Visalians play an important role in helping keep streets clear, as quick cleanups can make big impacts.

Residents are asked to keep their neighborhoods clear of trash and debris. Clearing drains and rain gutters when skies are clear of rain can help keep things flowing properly when rainfall is back.

The City of Visalia Public Works Department prepares year-round for winter rain by maintaining the storm drain system, creeks and basins to maximize the capacity for drainage and storage of storm runoff.

City of Visalia Public Works crews will continue to work through the storm and will remain on standby for inclement weather. However, residents are reminded it’s never too late to make sure all trash and yard waste is properly contained in City-issued bins and that any automotive leaks, spills or other pollutants are cleaned up.

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