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General Plan and Specific Plans

A general plan is the City's constitution—a set of policies and programs that form a blueprint for long-term development of the community. It consists of written text and diagrams that express how a community should develop, and is a key tool for influencing the quality of life. The plan is a basis for decision-making on land use, city services, and public works used by policymakers such as the Planning Commission and the City Council. All cities and counties in California are required by law to have general plans.

The Plan consists of nine chapters, which cover the following topics: land use; circulation; open space; conservation; components related to noise, safety, air quality and greenhouse gases; as well as elements that address local concerns such as historic preservation and parks, schools, community facilities, and utilities.

The Climate Action Plan provides a strategy for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. It includes objectives and policies from the proposed General Plan that addresses long-term emissions reduction efforts. The timeframe for the CAP extends from the date of adoption through 2030.

A specific plan is a plan that provides detailed design and implementation tools for a specific portion of the area covered by a general plan.  A specific plan may include all regulations, conditions, programs, and/or proposed legislation which may be necessary for convenient for the systematic implementation of any general plan element(s).

Adopted General Plan

Draft Environmental Imapct Report (Draft EIR)

Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR)

Housing Element

Specific Plans

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