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Safer Streets for Visalia - Incident Reporting

In our ongoing commitment to prioritize community engagement in securing funding for local transportation improvements, we are pleased to introduce our street reporting system, "Safer Streets for Visalia" survey. This has been specifically crafted to actively involve community members in the grant application process, fostering a collective effort toward enhancing transportation safety.

This survey operates as an online platform that allows individuals to report transportation-related incidents within each project site. This survey collects a wide range of data, including collision and near-collision incidents, as well as biking traffic patterns.

Click HERE to take the survey!

We encourage open and honest community input by allowing users to report incidents anonymously. Through the "Tell us more" feature, individuals can provide narrative descriptions of incidents and suggest safety improvements for their reported areas. This active engagement not only empowers the community but also enhances the quality of data collected, providing valuable insights into transportation safety.

This survey is a strategic and innovative addition to our city's efforts to apply for active transportation grants. By leveraging this platform in Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant applications, we align with the program's mission to advance technology and innovation to address societal challenges.

Together, we can build safer streets through inclusive, community-driven innovation.

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